Payday is the holy grail of candy bars. If you eat it you will live forever. Maybe not. But if you do it won't be because you ate it.
If there is one thing I love about Payday its that it doesn't want to be like everyone else. It has its own style. It requires no chocolate. In the world of candybars, Chocolate is a crutch like power chords in rock music. ANYONE CAN MAKE A CANDYBAR WITH CHOCOLATE!!!
So why then is Payday so hard to find? I can never find it anywhere. Its sad. hershey's works hard on making you and you are so hard to find!!!
The one I ate today came from a Brookline Bodega. I don't know why the 7-11 near the office doesn't have them but Brookline Bodega does.
It isn't even a vending machine snack. The vending machine never caters to my needs for Payday. I can love the vending machine, but will it ever love me back? Doubtful.
Tough life.