My prayers have been answered. after several excruciating weeks without Reese's in the 6th floor lunchroom, we now finally have the greatest candy ever invented back. Not only are they back, but I believe we are the only establishment in the greater Boston metro area to have the coveted "Large Size." We are all familiar with the standard 2 pack of Reese's, which is nice but sometimes leaves you craving more. The King Size, whoaaaaa, thats too much delicious chocolate peanut butter goodness for me. The Large Size though, perfect. It is so rare in fact that I had a pretty hard time finding a picture in my google image search. I could only find this one, which is clearly packaging for the European market.
What makes the Reeses' Peanut Butter cup so good. I don't know, but I'm glad to have it back
So true.
Its none of that Big Cup junk. Just the good old fashioned Large Size. That is 3 PB cups. Wonderful.
I'm pretty ticked that I missed out on the coveted Reese's Easter Egg that comes out around Easter, It has an extra large peanut butter center. And frankly I just can't get enough
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