What a day.
Its been several days. Vending has gone haywire. In spite of my request for Payday in exchnage for O'Brien's beef sticks, the beef sitcks were traded for Skittles. Horrible. Not the Skittles, they are all right by me, the fact that my request was not honored. I have decided I will eat only Payday candybars for the rest of my life. Starting now.
Its been years since I've had the pleasure of tasting the rainbow. I forgot how good these things were. Nothing like Horse parts mixed with sugar and food coloring. Delicious.
Also, they come in 5 distinct flavors. I just made myself an Orange-Lime cocktail. Wonderful.
Really, Skittles take all of the good things about good jelly beans and subtract all the bad things and put it in an M & M style shell. Amazing.
Also, for a 2.17 oz bag, it is full. Very full.
I want some Spree.
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