Monday, March 31, 2008

Almond Joy

Near noon hunger strikes and I reach for the Almnd Joy. It was fantastic. Once I saw a special on the Food Network about Almond Joy and how its made. Ironically not on the Discovery Channel show "How Its Made". Anyway, they get some coconut and some almonds and some chocolate and neatly put them together. Not the most thrilling TV special ever. However....
A lot of people detest coconut. Many of my friendly coworkers moods go from happy to brutally enraged whenever the (fruit? nut? rock?) is mentioned. One time I stole a coconut (from my college dining hall...not from a store...that's wrong....if its in a dining hall you technically paid for it already). It was the week the Red Sox were in the ALCS (2003) and I was planning on eating it as a celebration coconut. But Grady Little and Pedro Martinez happened and I instead threw it out of a sixth story window. My point being, coconut is a fickle F.N.R. (fruitnutrock). Its pretty one day, gone the next and I undertsand why some people are sour on it. Sure, it takes 18 minutes to chew, once you chew the flavor off of it its like eating plastic, it has a strange texture, and it occassionally jinxes the Boston Red Sox. Fine. But its delicate. When I eat coconut I think that it is the food of the future. One day we'll all be eating plastic (what else are we gonna do with all of it?) and I figure you might as well start to enjoy it now. So coat it in some chocolate and add two almonds to it AND DIG IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But while I'm on the subject of the two almonds, why? Why only two? I would prefer an Alomnd rich experience.
Exciting prospect, there might be an O'Brien's beef stick buyout this week. Which one would only hope could lead to better snacks for all.

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