The silver packaging makes it look special. I sincerely believe that. Its not just any candy, no no. Its a York. Damn straight! I got the sensation!
I think almost anything looks good in silver packaging. Look at the Oakland Raiders for example. horrible team, stupid organization, but they always look good. Its the silver. I know my critics will argue if this whole silver packaging thing is truethen why didn't anyone go see "Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer", I'll tell you why, because it looked horrible. And they didn't have a cross promotion with York Peppermint Pattie.
Today was vending machine maintenance day and it looks like in addition to adding York Peppermint Pattie back into my life, they have also added Snackwells cookie sandwich and Oreo six packs. I applaud the vending machine workers for adding conflict to my daily life. The Snackwells is low fat, the Oreo is...an Oreo...One is light, one is dark...the drama is astounding!
The York Peppermint Pattie is sweet and exciting. Its chewy and satisfying. It's sort of like a low fat minty Reese's cup. But even more chewy. However, it does not go well with Diet Coke, and that is a near fatal flaw in my eyes.
You know what does go well with Diet Coke? Stacy's Pita Chips. The machine is fixed. People all over the office are rejoicing.
York was a pleasant surprise. I'm sure we'll meet again.
Actually the only reason I did go see the fanstic four movie was because of the silver surfer.
I would have followed suit, except I knew it would still involve the Fantastic Four and I could only imagine how UNfantastic it would be.
I almost responded with an analysis of the characters in the movie, but then I realized that if I did that then this would become a real blog and I'd be one of those people who argues about super heros in blogs.
all i know is that jessica alba should not have blonde hair and blue eyes
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