Tuesday. Nearly noontime. Pita Chips still not functioning. Why is that?
Days like today i wish our vending machines had Payday. I enjoy a Payday. Its salty and has no chocolate and everytime I eat one I think of Bukowski.
But today I purchased what is now called "Kit Kat Extra". it is a large Kit Kat. Essentially it is four of the standard sized bars in one.
A couple of weeks ago, a discussion arose on the 6th floor in regards to the chocolate to crunch ratio of the larger Kit Kat. I can't say I didn't enjoy the Kit Kat Extra, but I will say that the larger than normal amount of chocolate you get per bite is slighlty disconcerting. I refer to this statistic as the C.P.B.O.K.K. (Chocolate Per Bite Of Kit Kat). If the C.P.B.O.K.K. is slightly off, it just doesn't seem like a Kit Kat to me.
Also, the name change. When this Kit Kat was originally introduced it was called "The Big Kat", which at the time was Colorado Rockies Slugger Andrés Galaragga's nickname. Always confusing to me. Did I want to eat Andrés Galaragga? Did he have a delicious chocolate to crunch ratio? I doubt it. So maybe the name was fitting.
Tomorrow is vending machine maintenance day and so, I will leave notes requesting the Pita Chips and Cheetos slots are fixed and also making a special request for Paydays in the future.
Should the Kit Kat Extra be judged based on its own merit rather than the sole basis of the C.P.B.O.K.K.? I mean, I can't compare the novelty oversized Hershey's Kiss by the same standard as I judge the Hershey's Kiss.
I propose that we add more criteria so that we may accurately judge the Kit Kat Extra. We should add:
Crunch Ratio Per Bite Of Kit Kat (C.R.P.B.O.K.K.) -- I don't believe this is reduced in the ratio for the Kit Kat Extra.
Unique Flavor Value Per Bite of Kit Kat (U.F.V.P.B.O.K.K.) -- While this may be a subjective category, it is necessary to point out that the Kit Kat Extra gains points in uniqueness, especially when compared against the Kit Kat and other, similar candies.
Estimated Consumption Time Per Bite of Kit Kat (E.C.T.P.B.O.K.K.) -- This is considerably longer for the Kit Kat Extra, I might add.
We may wish to add more categories as necessary by which we can compare our snack foods.
E.C.T.P.B.O.K.K. is a nice stat. But not as nice as C.P.B.O.K.K.
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